In the church world culture, its easy to say all the right things. We can spout off our DNA, what we do the right buzz words like 'tribe' 'engagement' or even 'servant leader' but I think, knowing that we all are in personal relationship with Jesus we need to take a good introspect look at our lives and see do we really mean those things. Are we intentional with making people feel like they are a part, or are we more concerned with our position at the top of the rung? Are we concerned about are others engaged with us or are we interested in picking apart those who don't get it. And are we in our everyday lives exampling 'servant leader' or are we trying to manipulate, bully, demean our out maneuver someone to get our way. When I have been faced with this question I have to be very honest with people. "I have learned politics in church but I have learned to serve being a nurse." Please do not mistake me I love the local ...