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Showing posts from September, 2019

Comfort, Conflict, and Contentment

So I made my eldest daughter cry this week. I picked them up from Gymnastics and when they got in the car my eldest daughter verbalized her frustrations.  "Mom Gina yelled at me tonight because I wasn't doing my turns right."  Now, I am her mother and I should have responded differently but I said: "Good I am glad because that means she is pushing you."  I felt the death glare coming from the back seat and she continued to share her frustrations with and I continued to say that it was a good thing.   The problem was she was tired, eleven, and didn't have the tools in her emotional toolbox to hear what I was saying and so we hugged I told her I loved her and she went to bed.  The next day I apologized to her and tried to again explain to her that I didn't want to see her comfortable and get stagnant.  Growth involves struggle, work, pressure, and sometimes pain.  When you are comfortable you stop growing.   We don't allow that to dull our senses or

3 Things I Have Learned While Waiting

There was a commercial that was popular by JG Wentworth.  The slogan was: It's my money, and I need it now! Typically it was a person yelling this out a window proclaiming that it was their money.   I was in the generation that computers were introduced in mass numbers in school.  The typing class was a must. We learned how to find information on the web rather than in the library.  We learned that we were smarter than our predecessors, we learned there was a faster way, and that life didn't have to be hard.  It was exciting to be a part of the dot com era, we didn't have to wait the way our parents did, we could have things instantly at our fingertips.  It gave us almost a false sense of entitlement and security that life was going to be easy.   Is it any wonder that we struggle with waiting?  I have struggled with the dissonance of where I am and where I think I should be. Add into that my belief in Christ and God's Kingdom and sometimes I can get confused about the