So I have a very transparent confession to make: I used to be a pretty legalistic person, I could quote scriptures forward and backwards, explain things to you. Tell you why something is right or wrong, avoid all people who were unholy, imperfect and broken and feel completely justified. I could explain how someone put themselves there, judge them 'all in the name of God." It was a very lonely place and there was no joy in that place, no happiness, and honestly no freedom. It was me looking around at my world pointing out the imperfections of others, feeling smug in the fact that I had it together, I knew my bible, I knew my scripture, and I kept myself in an iron clad suit of my opinions and keeping everyone else away. The problem was God couldn't heal my very broken and very weak heart from this place. I was so full of rules, regulations, and doing everything right, that I didn't have grace, compassion, or even empathy for others. They ...