Who do need to seek approval from? So if you have been following my blog for the last two years you know that I have struggled with wanting to be a people pleaser. Their is a story in the Bible about two brothers Jacob and Esau. Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of soup essentially. Did his birthright mean so little to him? In the same way I have given away my gifting and abilities, and overlooked my God given worth, just for someone to tell me I had value. Its like a daughter who you tell is beautiful and she won't believe it because someone at school told her she wasn't. We buy into lies much quicker than we believe the truth, and jump through hoops. I have agreed with things I knew was wrong, and all for what? To have someone approve of me. Learning that sometimes you have to walk the valley of disapproval to know that even if others forsake you or betray you, God will still be with you. It is important to in...