My mom had a sign in her office that was a black and white word document with this quote: Life is 10% what happens to you 90 % how you react to it. M y mom always had reminders on her walls at work. I thought she had it together and she was so wise when I was in middle school, looking back I see now that she needed that reminder as much as I do at times. We teach every generation what they could be, but rarely ever tell them how to live well here. How do we continue to live when we have a loss that punches you in the gut every single night. A basement level fear that came true, a tough situation at work that you can't shake, and the list could go on and on. We do not know, or ever, have control over some things. I have struggled to respond rather than react. I teach my children the endless possibilities their life offers. But also, how to live in a world that is broken, fallen, full of heartache, and pain. Many seasons in our lives are endurance seasons, so how do we...