My children are in the most dreaded season of their lives: Middle School and High School. It's hard, it's volatile, and it emotionally exhausting for everyone involved. Many moms struggle with middle school. One reason can be that they never dealt the pain of their middle school experience, we have moms reliving the trauma of middle school, and children trying to survive it. It can turn into a mess and our children can feel isolated and alone or disengaged. I want to help you, help them survive middle school. I have two daughters and one is a freshman in highschool, the other is a sixth grader and I can tell you I was not prepared for girls in middle school and my eldest barely survived it. I have moms who ask me how to survive it and this whole series is my take on what you can do to help you kids survive middle school. There are three questions I ask my girls everyday when they get in the car. 1. How was your day? 2. Who did you sit with at lunch? 3. Who is dea...