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Showing posts from February, 2017

Relationships in the Wait

So last week I talked to you guys about the growth in the wait and how God can use disappointments to be catalysts to where exactly he wants us.  Now if you are anything like me, this statement frustrates you because you are right smack dab in the middle of disappointment, and to you I would continue to encourage you to speak God's truths over your situations, find safe people and get in right relationships.  It is here I want to start this week because we live in a very interconnected cyber world and yet and very disconnected physical world.  I have a seventeen year old step son who I love very much, but he doesn't much like people.  He calls it 'fobbing' when you are on your phone in order to avoid any human interaction.  Sadly, most of us are fobbing through our life trying to avoid the very people God wants us to interact with while trying to impress those who won't remember us in a year.  Ouch, I would highly encourage you this week to sit down and r...

The Growth in the Wait: Disappointment

So last week I talked to you all about the tension in the wait and what faith really is.  Well, its the space between waiting and trusting at the same time.  This week I want to talk to you about a different part of the wait, one that builds character, that allows our roots to go deep, or allows us to stop growing all together.  It is the pain in the wait.   Now I don't know about you, but I don't like to be in pain, but at least once a week my husband uses a torture device on my neck and shoulders to loosen up the muscles.  It hurts, I have to breath through the pain, but the pain of the massage is nothing compared to what would happen if I threw my back out, which I have done.  I truly believe there are several different kinds of pain that we can either use as catalysts or death certificates. The Growth of disappointment:      Lisa Harper says "Disappointment is guaranteed, Drama is a choice."  Life is completely and totally full of...

The Tension in the Wait

Ok so I am going to level with you guys this week, I hate strength training. I first realized my hate for it in high school when I realized track team was not for me.  In middle school I was a fast runner, I could sprint when I was in middle school all the way down the first base line and bunt and outrun the ball.  I loved running so fast that I could fly, and there were a few times I did and ran over the first baseman.  So one of the dads told my dad I should join track.  I HATED IT.  I hated running just to run, there was no ball I was trying to outrun, and I loathed conditioning.  I had a musical practice and missed a whole week of conditioning, and when I came back the girls who were slower than me a week before were now faster than me.  They were impressed with their results, I quit track but chose to pursue the musical that I was in, because I saw my passion was not in the running itself but beating out the ball.  When I tried to condition...