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Showing posts from April, 2017

Burn Out: Community Disciplines

So we are currently on a journey, what do you do when you are burnt out and over it?  You have done all you can do, given all that you have, and you are left sleeping under the broom tree asking God to just kill you alone.  Well Elijah was there in 1 Kings 19 and burn out is real, and it is happening.  How we combat it is with the Holy Spirit and learning resilience.  Elijah took himself out of a bad situation and ran for his life. He went alone into the wilderness and he met with God. (Solitude)  and prayed and waited.  God spoke to him in a still small voice. So here is the question:  I have heard many sermons on Elijah and where he went wrong, but sometimes it’s not where we go wrong but where we go right that can put us in some hard situations.  Elijah day in and day out stood up for God, He stood alone against 400 prophets of bail, he remained obedient and he did everything the Lord commanded him.  No one can say Elijah didn’t serve G...

Spiritual Resilience: Personal Disciplines

So last week I talked to you about being burned out.  I told you all the different stressors leading up to burn out.  I talked to you about stress taking a toll on us, how we get burnt out and then we just don't care anymore.  We go on autopilot through life and the scary part is when you numb all the bad feelings to survive you numb all the good too, you don't love, you don't feel, and you cannot seem to find passion and enjoyment in anything.  If you are reading this I want you to know that this is not uncommon and we are taking back our lives from burn out and we are going to learn healthy resiliency strategy's so that we can run faster, stronger, and further than we every have before.  The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy but Christ came to give us life. It is time we start living at full capacity and learn how to stay there.  There are rhythms, disciplines, and strategies that can help you and my hearts desire is to see you flourishing.  ...

Burned Out and Over It: Factors

There is a whole lot of information on how to lead well, how to build strong teams, how to manage your gifts, talents, and resources.  We have processes for processes research and data are the future.  But I want to take the time to talk to you lovely people about something that most people don't talk about: burn out.    I am a fourth-generation preachers kid and have been in ministry for the majority of my life.  I have seen people drop out, not because they don't love the Lord, or want to do His will, its because they got burnt out. Burn out leads to bad decisions and some of those decisions can lead to lasting and irreversible damage.  Yes, I said the most un-holy word ever: Burn Out.  It happens to us all, and it is dangerous on every level, and while we try to sweep it under the rug rather than deal with it, it will be the biggest silent killer to purpose.    I have been burned out and unable to process, or my emotions are out of control...