So we are currently on a journey, what do you do when you are burnt out and over it? You have done all you can do, given all that you have, and you are left sleeping under the broom tree asking God to just kill you alone. Well Elijah was there in 1 Kings 19 and burn out is real, and it is happening. How we combat it is with the Holy Spirit and learning resilience. Elijah took himself out of a bad situation and ran for his life. He went alone into the wilderness and he met with God. (Solitude) and prayed and waited. God spoke to him in a still small voice. So here is the question: I have heard many sermons on Elijah and where he went wrong, but sometimes it’s not where we go wrong but where we go right that can put us in some hard situations. Elijah day in and day out stood up for God, He stood alone against 400 prophets of bail, he remained obedient and he did everything the Lord commanded him. No one can say Elijah didn’t serve G...