So I can remember my mom singing with a trio back in the day and the song started like this "A woman tried many physicians, but they could not help, so unto Jesus she came. And when the crowd they tried to restrain her, she whispered these words through her pain. Touching Jesus is all that really matters, than your life will never be the same. There only one way to touch Him, just whisper these words through your pain." Last week I talked about the women at the well, you know the one that really didn't care she was an outsider, whose life was a mess and yet when she met Jesus she was changed. Well this week I want to talk to you about a women with an issue that she couldn't control. A women that by her disease was made unclean and couldn't even go into the temple. She risked everything for the hope of being healed. You see when we look at a cultivating a tribe we need to look at the women with the issues. I relate with this women prob...