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Showing posts from October, 2016

In the Middle of Mediocre

So I have spent much time since last week praying and thinking on what I wanted to say to you this week.  God began to give me some words and one of them was the word Mediocre.  Now when we think of mediocre we think of “meh” like lukewarm tap water, if I was thirsty enough I would drink it but it isn’t really satisfying.  I have spent the majority of my life being bi vocational, I have worked a job and done ministry and I had a time when I was ready to be done with my “job” and do my ministry.  I would walk every night after the kids went to bed and I would normally complain to God, it was a rough season.  I had two little kids, worked more than full time and did over 20 hours of ministry work.  I wanted to be in full time ministry, but my leader didn’t see me as full time leader material, half because of my gender, half because of my youthful zeal aka immaturity.  I was griping to God, telling him how unfair it was, how I didn’t understand, when he ...

Shut your mouth its robbing you of your promise

    I have been not wanting to write this weeks blog, not gonna lie. I don't want to write it, tried to write something else, but I do believe in Gods perfect timing, and so after seeing a recurrent theme I have to say this to someone else other than me this week. God has given me a really big mouth, I am not talking about just a lot of talking but it carries sound.  People listen to me and it terrified me for a long time and as I get older I have come to terms with my really big mouth, not minimizing it or apologizing for it. But here is what I need to say to you and me.                   Your mouth is robbing you.  You see I sat down at my kitchen table laid my head on my bible and sobbed, when I was a child I sat in Sunday school rooms and listened to the stories of the children of Israel in my youthful innocence I couldn't understand why they were so stupid.  Always stories of the children of Israel messing...

Propel Women Nuggets: Rubber and Crystal

      I had the greatest honor to sit under some of the greatest women leaders of our time in September and with that I want to share some Propel nuggets from the conference.  I loved each speaker and I came expectant and God downloaded some amazing things into us at this Activate Event and I can tell you we are taking our local community by storm and want to see God move in such a mighty way.   Lorie Ann, who was on the Panel said something so profound "Choose to hold onto the crystal balls and let the rubber ones bounce."        You see too many times we let people take more space than they should.  I am not saying we don't love people, we do. But as a women the expectations we place on ourselves and the expectations that others place on us make us weary.  I have precious fragile balls I am holding "my children, my husband, my relationship with God, these are my crystal balls.  I cannot fulfill my life on a mission if I am ...