I love the banner of our Propel Women Chapter, we compliment we don't compete. This is something that I get tired of seeing in Christian communities men and women are both guilty of it. We count things and then place numerical value on them because somehow this will make us better than someone else or something else. I think as Christians who are growing towards maturity we have to be very careful what we count or what we consider makes us different unique and gifted. I hate seeing people say, post and come against others in the church. We as a body have an auto immune response and we get confused and try to kill each other. Why? Because we think its a competition and its our job to win. I was the worst, I can argue with anyone in doctrine, in life, in approach, and in thought. I pray everyday, I can and have spent hours praying for hours, crying out. I can say my books of the Bible in thirty seconds, rattle off scripture, be able to tell you all about it, and be comfortable in leading someone to Jesus. I am a fourth generation preachers kid, birthed, three days old and then dedicated in church. I spent more of my childhood in church, praying for people, I talked to my first person about Jesus when I was six sitting across from them in the school cafeteria. So here is the question. Does this make me 'better' than others or more righteous, that's a big old NO! Why? Because I know that God has had to pull out of me a know it all attitude, argumentative spirit, self righteous attitude, a hard heart full of bitterness, hurt and unforgiveness. I see who I am not by what I do but whose I am. I know whose I am but I know how all of 'my' accomplishments are seriously filthy rags in comparison to who Jesus was. So lets dive into the scripture we are in Philippians 3!
So Paul starts with "This is no trouble for me and is a PROTECTION for you" Umm okay? What does he mean a 'protection' well He says in verse 2 Watch out for 'dogs', watch out for evil workers, watch out for those who mutilate the Flesh. (Confused face) But Paul I like dogs!!! What he means here is there are those who are not for the gospel, Jesus talks about the parable of the sower and how the weeds and the grain grew together, in the same way not everyone is following Jesus. Those who practiced a Jesus "plus" religion, the preach about their achievements, how yes Jesus is the way but you have to do all these other They don't sit in that place and so it sends them down the road of competition, trying to find ways to look better. I have been down the road of competition and I can tell you its exhausting and so dangerous to your spirit, you walk and your call. Many great people have fallen to this and it has destroyed relationships, people, and ultimately them. Paul says in verse 7 after telling how 'great' his resume was But everything that was a gain to me, I have considered to be a loss because of Christ. When you let go of competition and striving you see how silly all those things were. Are you counting the wrong things? Are you more excited about doing what God wants you to do or about people thinking you are amazing? You see Paul was protecting the Philippians from pride, shame, and fear, because when you have a spirit of Jesus "plus" doctrine that is what you are inviting in.
Knowing the Goal
Paul goes on in my favorite portion verse 8 he says: More than that I have considered everything to be a loss in the view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Because of Him I have suffered the loss of all things and considered them filth, so that I may gain Christs and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own from the law, but one that is through faith in Christ- the righteousness from God based on faith. My goal is to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. For me personally I have stood on a platform in front of people many times, speaking and singing, but that didn't hold me in my worst moments when my world fell apart. You know what did? Knowing Jesus, knowing that God was holding me together, teaching me endurance, showing me what really mattered. The goal as a christian has to be Jesus, always lifting up the name of Jesus, growing, learning, persevering in trials being a beacon to others. I know my goal is to know him and hear "well done good and faithful servant." Its not a stage, its not status, its not hearing people tell me how great I am, its Jesus. Pure and Simple.
It is time for the body of believers to mature, to let go of the insecurities, the hurts, the unforgiveness, and everything else that is clogging the body of Christ from becoming the pure bride. Paul says my favorite scripture in Philippians in verse 13: Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead. I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God's heavenly call in Christ Jesus. I love this! maturity is moving FORWARD and FORGETTING what is behind. Oh how the body of believers would grow if we could let go of what was said and done to us. If we could love with true Christ love, not holding back but pushing forward. My goal is to keep moving towards Jesus, to see my community changed, to see the captives free, depression and anxiety to take a hike, and to see brothers and sisters in full UNITY and COMPLIMENTING each other instead of counting their filthy rags and invalidating someone else.
So Lets keep moving forward lets be intentional about knowing our goals and ask God to reveal any areas of pride, shame, and fear so that way they are made pure and we can be truly his!!
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