Are you carrying plastic pearls?
One night the father came in and his little girl was holding the pearls tightly in her hand and tears were welling up in her beautiful trusting eyes. As a tear fell she handed her plastic pearls to her father. "Here daddy, you seem to really want my pearls, so I will give them to you." She was crying and her little heart was broken, but she willingly gave him her pearls. The father smiled taking her pearls, kissing her head, "I'll be right back." he said.
He came into the room carrying a pink velvet box and handed it to her. "These are for you sweetheart." he said lovingly. As the little girl wiped her eyes looking at him in confusion she opened the case and revealed the most beautiful pink pearls she had every seen. She looked up stunned and looked back down at them, not really understanding.
"You have shown me how well you have taken care of your plastic pearls, you have cherished them and I wanted to give you the real pearls. But I needed you to willingly give me your cherished plastic pair."
The little girl was in awe and shock but allowed her father to place her pearls around her neck. She looked down at her pearl necklace and smiled as all tears vanished. "Thank you daddy, would you like my plastic ring too!"
Transition Position
This story has always stuck with me and I have retold it to girls who are struggling with transition seasons. You see its great when God gives us a gift but sometimes we cherish that gift so much it becomes an idol, especially when God tells us to give it up. Have you ever been there? I have, and I have learned several things in seasons of transition that I would like to share with you .
1. The principle of Stewardship
I think people focus a lot on process management, how to maintain certain standards, but I like to focus on the principle of stewardship. I love Matthew 25:14-30 speaks of the master who gave his talents to his servants based on their ability. Two doubled it but one hid it until the master returned. Like the little girl in the story, and the talents, God wants to steward what we have been given well. He wants us to grow, nurture, and take care of the things he has already given us. I always ask people when they are floundering in their leadership, are you stewarding well? Look at your life and what you have been given are you stewarding it well. I split it up into: Time, Money, Relationships, Self, and Work. I take a good look at all of it and make some hard decisions at times and I go back to knowing I am stewarding what I have been given. The little girl took care of the plastic pearls and cherished the gift her father gave her. He would not have given her the real thing if she didn't steward the plastic ones well.
2.Obedience is better than sacrifice
I was talking to my mom on the way home and we were discussing an up and coming decision I was making. I knew what God had said but I dragged my feet because I was afraid people would be mad at me or I would hurt them. I am a strong relational leader so the flip side is I care about peoples emotions. She said "Is that your intention?" I kinda stopped for a second. "No, its not." I said. "My intention is to do what God is telling me." She told me something I have told others. "If you are obeying what God is calling you to do, than trust that he is going to make a way for you to do it." In other words I am responsible for the obeying God is responsible for the results. It took the little girl time to trust her father and it was fear of the unknown that kept her from giving up the pearls. If she knew that her father had real pearls she would have given them to him in an instant. But she had to trust him first to be given something else. Don't let fear rule your judgement don't make decisions based on your fears , make them based on what God is telling you.
3. Gods all is better than our Good.
Finally Gods all is better than our good. As we grow in our lives and in our relationship with God, its easy to say "Yes, I will give up what I love" to God when he asks for it. I am currently in a season of transition, where it is easy for my fear to overtake me. Its easy to tell God "No, please don't take this from me." Especially when its good, you have done good things and God has shown himself in that season. Good is the plastic pearls but God has real ones waiting for you. Some of you are walking around clutching things that were gifts from God to prepare you for your next season, but you won't let go of it. Every day He whispers "Will you give this to me." and with much fear you are holding onto it saying "No please don't take it!" Even if you have tears streaming down your face, even if your a hot mess, even if you feel like your world is crashing. Give Him what He has asked for. The moments where the father left the room I am sure that little girl was terrified, heart was breaking and she was crying but all those tears ceased when she was given her real pearls. If you are in the middle keep your focus on Him. Keep your trust in Him. He has you. No good thing does he with hold and ALL things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.
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