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Sitting down with Phil Part 1: Is my value in a risky market?

EDS OO - Rejoice Always 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: Nic and I were married in 2005 we were young and blessed to be able to get a loan and buy a house.  For the amount we paid for it, it was the perfect home.  We had my step son, who was five part time and our rooms were huge for us as we were just starting out in the world.  Flash forward to 2007 the housing market crashed and our little house was still big enough for us but we were pregnant and wanted to move to a bigger house.  The problem was our house lost over fifty percent of its value, so in 2008 we had our first little girl and went from part time parents of one to full time parents of two.  Our little house that was such a blessing a few years before and such a steal was now a trap that we couldn’t get out of.  We were stuck here and for a girl who didn’t like to be trapped I felt trapped.

Ever been there?  I have seen people fleece and cash out on markets trying to gain something of monetary value.  Many people lost there homes, their jobs, and what seemed like a great idea turned into a total nightmare.  Homes that sold for 300,000 were now selling for 30,000 dollars.  It was a crazy time and insane to watch it happen. Unstable markets are too risky for me and in the same way I have been really looking into how women struggle with their internal identity.  I didn’t realize how much of a problem it was until I myself was struggling with this. I was more aware of how women struggle with finding their worth, whether it be in the job, their status, their friends, or their their spouse.  These are all risky markets because you don’t have a constant and it varies based on peoples perception of you.  
 I was placing my value in risky markets, I was trying so hard to find value in places that were unhealthy, that the Lord finally led me to the book of Philippians.  Paul was one of the first blogger and I like to think of it as  “Sitting down with Phil”   I used to call it the book of Phil when I was a kid and couldn’t pronounce Philippians.    I read the whole book in one night to my husband. I then started to pull out key verses, I found that I just loved it all so much, but it also helped me so much with this unstable value market I was in. I have read it before but sometimes you just need a refresher I literally felt a weight being lifted off of me and it gave me some great tools to help me with my value.  

Paul was writing this book in a time when he was under house arrest in Rome and was writing to the church he called “his crown”  He loved these people because while his ministry was getting started these people believed in him before anyone else did.  So what do you tell your people you love when you are under arrest in jail?  To rejoice and be content.  Wait what?  
Yep that's what he said.  People don’t like you, rejoice and be content.  People don’t think your awesome: rejoice and be content. People are trying to undermine you: rejoice and be content. You have a little: Rejoice and be content. So why does Paul say that? What could he possibly be thinking? Well its simple really: He knew his value was solely in Christ Jesus and he immitated Jesus. I love what he says "Jesus, who had all the rights of heaven, choose not to use them but humbled himself." I just love it, because we see so many people striving because they are trying to be like someone other than Jesus. Jesus knew what it was like to be humble to be content and be obedient to Gods call. Being Thankful and rejoicing is not easy, it requires effort and a change of mindset, but its totally worth it.
Are you rejoicing?  Are you content?   The answer is no if you are unhappy and anxious.  Giving thanks allows you to give God thanks but also remind yourself of everything that He has done for you.  Alli Worthington in her book “Breaking Busy”  calls it an attitude of gratitude.  Was I thanking God for my many blessings and being content where I was?
Putting it in Perspective
 Nope.  I was too busy whining about one thing that was robbing my joy. So let me put it in perspective for you I took a space in my journal and and after I thanked God for his blessings I wrote them down.  I also put in another column what was stealing my joy.
1.Blessed with a husband who loves me and loves God
2. Have three amazingly awesome children
3. Have an amazing team for Propel Connect
4. Have a thriving womens outreach
5. Have great health
6. Am beautiful, smart and talented
7. Have a great job that I enjoy
8. Am financially stable
9. Have great close relationships with people who love us and support us.  

Now my Joy sucker :
  1. Someone doesn’t like me.  

Taking back my Pearls 
Seriously that was it, that was the one thing that was causing me to break down and cry, and feel like quitting, someone doesn’t like me. The one thing that caused me to want to walk away from everything God had for me, and cause me more sleepless and tearful nights than I cared to count.    I was trading my pearls for garbage, and then getting upset with the return. I laughed at my own stupidity and in that moment I felt a weight being lifted off of me as I embraced all the great things in my life and held onto them.  I am content with what I have been given.  So  Sitting down with Phil caused me to inspect the market, put it back into perspective, and pick up an Attitude of Gratitude. I keep my eyes focused on that which is ahead of me and not behind me.   
Disclaimer: I am not saying this is easy but it is simple and requires you to quit being a victim and pick up Gods all for your life.  Sit down with your bible Open your book of Phillipians and sit down with Phil.  See what God has for you, are you ready ?


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